Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Mengembalikan Data yang Hilang Permanen di Dalam Harddisk (Komputer)

1. R-Studio 

Softwae R-studio ini spesialisasi untuk mengangkat berbagai macam file dan data yang terhapus secara permanen di dalam hardisk, flashdisk dan media penyimpanan lainnya. Anda bisa memanfaatkan software ini apabila ada data yang hilang yang begitu penting untuk diselamatkan.

Mengembalikan Data yang Hilang Permanen di Dalam Harddisk (Komputer)

Cara pengoperasiannya cukup mudah, setelah anda download kemudian di installasi ke komputer. Buka program tersebut dan kemudian pilih hardisk yang akan dicari data dan file yang hilang(jika hardisk anda di partisi), kemudian klik scan, setelah proses scan selesai maka akan muncul berbagai macam file yang hilang tersebut. Kemudian pada proses restorasi data tersebut harap berhati hati karena seringkali virus yang terhapus akan muncul kembali, lebih baik pilih file mana yang benar benar akan di kembalikan. Software ini bercopy right. Jika anda ingin mencoba yang trial version bisa langsung menuju situs resminya, tapi jika anda ingin yang full version, saya akan memberikan link di bawah ini


R-Studio Trial Version

R-studio Full Version


Avant internet browser

Avant Browser is a standalone application designed to expand features provided by Internet Explorer. It adds a bunch of features and functionalities to IE and its user-friendly interface brings a new level of clarity and efficiency to your browsing experience, and frequent upgrades have steadily improved its reliability.
Avant Browser is freeware. That's right. 100% Free! No cost to you ever. No limitations. No Adware. No Spyware. You can donate if you want, but it's certainly not required.
Avant's features include:
  • Online Profile Storage
  • Autofills
  • Mouse Gestures
  • Flash Animation Filter
  • Built-in AD/Pop-up Blocker
  • Built-in RSS/ATOM Reader.
  • Additional Mouse Functions
  • Multi-Window Browsing
  • Real Full Screen Mode and Alternative Full Desktop mode
  • Built-in Search Engine
  • Full IE Compatibility
  • Control Your Privacy
  • Safe Recovery
  • Skins
  • Support for 41 languages


sumber artikel : filehippo

Samurize 1.64.3 desktop modification

Samurize is the popular advanced system monitoring and desktop enhancement engine for Windows. IT professionals, overclockers, gamers and desktop modders alike use Samurize for system information, weather reports, news headlines and much much more.
Samurize's features include:
  • an unrivaled set of built-in meters (Disk utilization, CPU usage, network traffic, system temperatures...)
  • ultimate customizing and skinning possibilities with no programming knowledge required
  • monitoring your own computer or others over a network
  • tiny memory footprint and CPU usage
  • the first system monitoring tool with a true WYSIWYG editor
  • full extensibility via scripts and plugins with a powerful plugin SDK/API
  • minimal software requirements (no .NET or Service Packs necessary)
  • multimonitor support
  • many usage options (desktop, taskbar and clock clients, server outputting to XML or image formats, screensaver)
- fixed a bug with Meter x/y width/height toggle arrows not updating the meters correctly.
- fixed a bug with Import Export form not loading language files
- fixed a bug with Rulers not updating when using the Mouse Scroll Wheel
- fixed a bug with icons not displaying correctly in the config editor
- fixed a bug with the input wizard displaying the wrong form
- fixed a bug with the reconnection logic on Remote Meters
- fixed a bug with Access violations on drag and drop in the Meter List
- fixed a bug that scroll wasnt working when drag and drop
- fixed numerous bugs in instance manager when starting clients and servers
- fixed a bug with the display box on the Console Meter
- fixed a bug with the displaying of the glass effect on the config editor and Instance Manager
plus currently removed all glass effect from the client
- fixed a couple of bugs with the console meter constaintly running process
- fixed a bug with totalNetCollector when an adapter is disabled and reenabled
- fixed an infinite loop within the Samurize Server
- fixed a problem with the Options dialog box in the Samurize Server
- fixed a bug with the Meter Maths loading new style meter names

- Vista Support
- ToolTips can now be used with mouse buttons (single and double click)
- updated DTD for all the new xml sections in every meter type.
- Additional input method using Scripts
- Console Meters can now run constantly running console programs and get the output
- Updated the Copy meter logic so the new meter names are not so long
- Instance Manager supports groups
- Instance Manager maintains the Z-Order of instances when loaded (if pin to desktop, dock or normal window behaviour is used)
- Improved the catching of Show Desktop for pin to Desktop and pin to Desktop compat modes.
- Improved the Perfmon gathering of data to reduce the number of queries.
- Added rename to the instance manager for groups and instances.
- Meter maths will return a NOT FOUND on string maths if the meter is not available.
- IMAP4 support for the mail meter
- Total Net Collector changes unit dynamically

New Features:
- Logging can be enabled for the clients and config editors


sumber artikel : filehippo


Windows 7 Chameleon Gadgets

Windows 7 Chameleon Gadgets | 12.6 Mb
Quality kit gadgets, executed in the same style. Suitable for use
in Windows Vista, and Windows 7 (build 7600 and higher).

Language: English
Platform: Windows Vista, Windows 7 (build 7600 and higher)
The number of gadgets: 16 pcs.

Download Here :

dikutip dari

Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Atomix virtual DJ P ro 7.0 full download

Atomix Virtual DJ Pro 7.0 Full
Atomix Virtual DJ Pro 7.0 Full | 50.34 Mb

Atomix VirtualDJ is the MP3 mixing software that targets every DJ from bedroom DJs to professional superstars such as Carl Cox, and is used everyday by millions of DJs, and in many big clubs.

VirtualDJ gathers in one only software all the tools you need:

- MP3 database, don't carry around heavy record cases anymore

- Fully automated mix, when you're busy entertaining the audience

- Direct Internet database, satisfy all your clients' requests

- Lights control, through DMX interface

- Control devices, DAC3, DJConsole, XP10, TCV Records, DVinyl, MIDI, etc

- Music Video, Karaoke

Plus, participate to the active forums' life, and exchange advices, find new jobs, etc...

VirtualDJ is committed to make your DJ live much easier.

Link mirror:

sumber artikel :

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Windows XP SP3 Dark Edition V.7 Rebirth Refix Version

setelah mengeluarkan versi dark litenya sekarang muncul lagi dengan SP3
tampilanya lebih keren lebih stabill, komponen windowsnya masih utuh... malah banyak yang ditambahin jadi cakep
sampai sampai windows ini lebih berkelas dari pada windows xp yang biasa
walaupun sedikit nyontek tampilan windows 7

Install Windows dari USB !!

Aplikasi satu ini patut dicoba bagi sobat yang pengen Instal Windows 7/XP dengan USB Flashdisk selain g ribet ukuran file juga tidak besar, yang pasti ngebantu sobat agar g ribet dengan Instalan CD/DVD windows. Aplikasi ini juga didukung dengan bahasa Indonesia, jadi bagi Newbee sekalipun akan mudah menggunakannya.

Instal windows 7/XP dengan Flashdisk selain cepat juga memiliki keunggulan lain yaitu lebih ringkas dan awet, apalagi bagi pengguna Netbook yang gak ad DVD Roomnya.

Functions list

* Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7 to USB transfer
* WinPE to USB transfer
* USB media erasing, full of quick
* Create the USB drive with emergency boot loader
* DOS to USB transfer

System requirements

To use Novicorp WinToFlash, your computer has to meet certain hardware requirements. Actual requirements vary, depending on the system configuration and the programs and features that you choose.

* Pentium 233-megahertz (MHz) processor or faster
* At least 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM
* At least 20 megabytes (MB) of available space on the hard disk
* Keyboard and a Microsoft Mouse or some other compatible pointing device
* Video adapter and monitor with Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher resolution
* Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7

Available languages

* Albanian
* Bulgarian
* Chinese
* Catalan
* Czech
* Danish
* Dutch
* English
* Estonian
* Finnish
* French
* Galician
* German
* Hungarian
* Indonesian
* Italian
* Latvian
* Lithuanian
* Maltese
* Norwegian
* Polish
* Portuguese
* Romanian
* Russian
* Serbian
* Slovak
* Slovene
* Spanish
* Swedish
* Turkish
* Ukrainian

Cara Penggunaan WinToFlash

  1. Download WinToFlash kemudian UnPack dengan WinRAR (bisa Download Disini ),kedalam Folder tersendiri,
  2. Siapkan DVD/CD Instalasi Windows ( bisa win 7,XP,2008) masukkan dalam DVD Room
  3. Jalankan WinToFlash.EXE

  4. Jika ingin panduan maka pilih "Opsi Transfer Windows setup Wizard" namun saya menyarankan untuk lansung saja yaitu dengan memilih "Mode Lanjutan"
  5. Pilih OS yang ingin di buat Instalasinya kedalam USB Flashdisk, Next

  6. Pilih lokasi tempat DVD Instalasi (Atas) dan Flashdisk (Bawah)

  7. Setelah itu ada beberapa pilihan termasuk menyertakan driver, ini betguna sekali karena nantinya kita bisa memasukkan Driver PC/Netbook kita, Sehingga waktu melakukan Instalasi windows tidak perlu me-Instal Driver.
  8. Ikuti Proses selanjutnya tanpa merubah apapun, Tunggu proses... Finish.

setelah itu tinggal dicoba aj, ingat settingan Booting harus dirubah menjadi First Booting USB saat mengInstal.

Download WinToFlash:

Password File : item

Link download lainnya bisa d peroleh dari sini

Download :

WinToFlash ver.0.4.008 (2,1 MB) 

pake ini :WinToFlash ver.0.4.008 (2,1 MB)
NB: buat yang jalanin dari Windows 7, bila ada error seperti ini, dicuekin/ignore aja gan. ga masalah kok. Gw jg make dari win7

Pesan developer:
WinToFlash DLP_NotFound message Postby SV » 27 Aug 2009, 21:45
At some commuters with Windows 7 could appear information message "WinToFlash DLP_NotFound " when WinToFlash loading.
This is language DLL error, full text of message is "WinToFlash has not been tested under this version of Windows - perhaps it will not work correctly".We will fix this in next release.

Skrinshut-skrinshutnya (Copy Win XP SP3 to generic USB 2.0 drive, tested by me) :

dikutip dari zindark blog 

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

HDD Temperature 4.0.25 | 4.01 Mb

   HDD Temperature 4.0.25
HDD Temperature (Hard Disk Drive Temperature) is used to control the temperature of hard disks and prevent failures in their work due to overheating. Hard Drive Temperature works invisibly in the background mode and bothers you only when there is an actual threat to your data and warns you about a dangerous overheating of your hard disk. Even if you are not around when the critical temperature of your hard disk has been exceeded, Hard Drive Temperature will take care and save all your data! This application will put the computer in standby mode then will turn it off so that the hard disk will have time to cool off.
- HDD Temperature Revamped

The 4th generation of HDD Temperature has been re-designed and re-coded from the scratch for faster performance and smaller footprint than ever before.

- Brand-New User Interface
The new interface of HDD Temperature is geared towards users. It's simpler to use and easier to understand. All information about your hard drive is laid out conveniently by the drive letter.

- Detailed Report on Your Hard Drives
All you ever wanted to know about your hard disks is fully disclosed by HDD Temperature 4. Learn about who manufactured your disk and when, the exact model number and the number of hours the disk has been used. Oh, and it monitors and reports the disks' temperatures, too!

- Supports All Kinds of Disks
New-generation HDD Temperature supports all types of hard drives in a single tool, including IDE, Serial ATA, SCSI, and even USB.

- Basic Disk Health Control
Prevent data loss due to hard disk failures! The updated HDD Temperature now reports basic information about the health of your hard disks, thus increasing data safety and storage reliability of your entire system. Detailed disk health reports are available with HDDlife, a dedicated disk health monitor.

- Easily Affordable
HDD Temperature is priced to sell. Is €15 too high a price for peace of mind and safety of your data?

- Technical Information
HDD Temperature 4 is easily usable even in limited user ***s, and does not require administrative privileges to run. It does not trigger Vista's UAC prompts, too!

User interface language change don't work. Fixed.

Download links:


Home Page -

GTA IV V. (2011/PC/Repack by Spieler)

GTA IV V. (2011/PC/Repack by Spieler)
Realese: 2011 | Language: Eng, Rus | PC | Publisher : Rockstar Games | 7.82 Gb
Genre : Action, Racing (Cars), 3D, 3rd Person

Niko Bellic, fresh-baked immigrant from Eastern Europe, hoping to forget the dark past and find a bright future. Roman, his cousin, the dreams of the conquest of Liberty City - a city of infinite possibilities. But for those who are deprived of power and money, the reality is far from a dream. In the harsh world laws determine who is stronger - crooks, thieves and perverts.

And for anyone who got in criminal networks, there can be only one way: adapt or perish ... Where can I hijack dozens of cars a day, beating passers-by, shoot at prostitutes and to earn money by selling drugs? In a game you shoot with impunity police squad with a grenade launcher and a minute later, calmly dinner at the nearest pizzeria? Grand Theft Auto series is known for its scandalous manners, and great scope for creativity. However, in GTA 4 absolute permissiveness is not - this time, the game follows the rules of real life. These policemen, natural city, the harsh rules of the criminal world allow only one alternative: to adapt or die! The new hero - Niko Bellyache, come from Eastern Europe with a criminal past. At the invitation of his cousin, he arrives in the U.S. city of Liberty City, hoping to find a better life without crime and murder. But the American dream is a pipe mirage. Instead of quiet days on the ocean Niko is a lot of problems. To survive, he must again take up the old and you go with him this way till the end!

Everything in life! Series has matured considerably. More serious and thorough approach is visible

ImTOO HD Video Converter 6.5.2 build 0127

   ImTOO HD Video Converter 6.5.2 build 0127

ImTOO HD Video Converter 6.5.2 build 0127 | 31.23 MB

ImTOO HD Video Converter is a professional HD converter and HD encoder designed to convert among high definition videos like HD AVI, MKV, HD H.264/AVC, AVCHD (.mts, .m2ts), HD Quick Time, HD MPEG-4 (TS), HD ASF video. On top of this, it can also convert among audios and convert video to MP3, WMA, WAV, M4A, AAC, AC3 audio and picture, as well as make videos from pictures in JPG, GIF, PNG, and BMP.
Ever wanted a quick and easy way to transfer your entire High or Standard-Definition (HD/SD) video collection to your favorite multimedia devices? ImTOO HD Video Converter can convert just about any video format for playback on devices such as the iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Xbox and many others. With this HD converter software, you can also extract audio from videos, convert audio formats, turn pictures into videos and vice versa.

Key Features
- ImTOO HD Video Converter makes full use of your multi-core system when converting files.
- Supports batch conversion and multithreading – convert multiple HD videos simultaneously.
- Supports decoding and encoding HD videos and HD DVs (such as AVCHD DV & MPEG DV), and converting videos recorded from HDTV.
- The HD converter enables you to run tasks in the background to save CPU resources.
- Convert any video segment by specifying its start time and duration.
- Split a large file into several smaller ones.
- Set conversion parameters: bit rate, frame rate, sample rate, codec, audio channel, video quality among others.
- Specify the output file size in the Bitrate Calculator and compute the corresponding video bit rate instantly.
- Comes with optimized conversion profiles classified by device type; create your own profiles by customizing existing ones.
- Provides you with a built-in player to preview the source and output files and allows you to switch aspect ratio between 4:3 and 16:9 ; take snapshots of video images while previewing and save them as JPG, PNG, GIF, and BMP.
- Choose to auto exit the application, shut down, hibernate, or stand by your system after a conversion is completed to save time and energy.
- Offers you power management functions.

Input File Format Support:
Video - AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, FLV, MKV, H.264/MPEG-4, DivX, XviD, MOV, RM, RMVB, M4V, VOB, ASF, 3GP, 3G2, SWF, H.261, H.264, DV, DIF, MJPG, MJPEG, DVR-MS, NUT, QT, YUV, DAT, MPV, NSV
AVCHD Video (*.mts, *.m2ts), H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (*.mp4), MPEG2 HD Video (*.mpg; *.mpeg), MPEG-4 TS HD Video (*.ts), MPEG-2 TS HD Video (*.ts), Quick Time HD Video (*.mov), WMV HD Video (*.xwmv), Audio-Video Interleaved HD Video (*.avi)

Output File Format Support:
Video - AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, FLV, H.264/MPEG-4, DivX, XviD, MOV, RMVB, ASF, 3GP, 3G2, SWF, VOB, TS
H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (*.mp4), MPEG2 HD Video (*.mpg; *.mpeg), MPEG-4 TS HD Video (*.ts), MPEG-2 TS HD Video (*.ts), Quick Time HD Video (*.mov), WMV HD Video (*.wmv), Audio-Video Interleaved HD Video (*.avi)
Audio - MP3, WMA, AAC, WAV, OGG, M4A, RA, AC3, MP2, AMR, SUN AU Format

Output Device Support:
• iPod, iPod nano, iPod classic, iPod shuffle, iPod touch
• iPhone, iPhone 3G, Apple TV
• PSP, PS3
• Xbox, Xbox 360
• General 3GP support mobile phone, BlackBerry, etc.
• General MP4 players: Archos, Creative Zen, iRiver, etc.
• Window Mobile device: Pocket PC, Dell Axim X51, HP iPaq hw6500 series, etc.
Download links:



Home Page -

Acoolsoft PPT to Flash | 14.23 mb

Acoolsoft PPT to Flash
Acoolsoft PPT to Flash | 14.23 mb

Convert PowerPoint to flash movie in one click
Acoolsoft PPT to Flash enables users to convert PowerPoint to flash movie with only one click. All elements such as animations, slide transitions, sounds, narrations and video clips will be preserved after the conversion.With this PowerPoint to flash converter, users can make it extremely easy to share PowerPoint presentations in flash on website or blog, send via email or burn on a CD

PPT to Flash enables you to
Reduce PowerPoint file size by 90% for emailing
Easily distribute PPT after converting PowerPoint to flash
View presentations anywhere on any computer regardless of viewer’s platforms after converting PowerPoint to flash
Protect your PowerPoint in SWF file, which is not easily pirated or changed

PPT to Flash is ideal for you to
Share PowerPoint courseware or photo album online
Create flash slideshows for celebrations with PowerPoint
Make amazing flash banners for you site with PowerPoint
DIY flash E-card within PowerPoint as special holiday gifts

Link download here


AAY Audio aQ 31 VST v1.01 ASSiGN | 15 MB

5482 AAY Audio aQ 31 VST v1.01 ASSiGN

AAY Audio aQ 31 VST v1.01 ASSiGN | 15 MB
AAY-Audio aQ-31 v1.01 is a traditional 31- band graphic equalizer plug-in with clean sound in VST plug-in format for Windows computers. aQ-31 have switchable gain range +/- 6/12/18/24 dB per band and Q-knob for adjust the filter’s bandwidth. This knob gives you possibility to make the equalizing curve more glossy or sharp.

StZZL.png AAY Audio aQ 31 VST v1.01 ASSiGN

MUvSK AAY Audio aQ 31 VST v1.01 ASSiGN

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Lindungi anak anak anda dari internet !!

PhotobucketBila digunakan dengan baik, teknologi Internet tentu berdampak positif. Seseorang dapat dengan mudah mencari informasi yang ingin diketahui. Dengan hanya mengetikkan kata pada mesin pencari (search engine), ada banyak situs web yang dirujuk tentang informasi tersebut. Adanya e-mail memungkinkan seseorang dapat mengirim sebuah surat untuk orang lain dengan cepat dan mudah. Ruang obrol (chatting room) memungkinkan seseorang untuk berkomunikasi dengan banyak orang yang saling berjauhan sekaligus. Atau yang sedang marak, hadirnya situs web jejaring sosial seperti Facebook atau Friendster yang memungkinkan seseorang untuk menemukan teman lama yang sudah lama tidak dijumpai.

Namun, hal positif dari Internet ternyata dapat berakibat buruk bila digunakan secara tidak bertanggung jawab. Banyak anak yang ketagihan atau kecanduan Internet sehingga mereka betah berlama-lama di depan komputer sehingga lupa akan kewajiban mereka yang lebih penting untuk makan, mandi bahkan enggan untuk belajar. Salah satu penyebab seorang anak begitu menyukai Internet karena mereka mendapatkan suatu pengalaman baru dan mereka bisa mendapatkan kenyamanan. Atau mereka mendapat sesuatu dari dunia maya ini yang tidak bisa didapatkan di dunia nyata. Di dunia maya dia bisa menjadi orang lain yang diinginkan. Misalnya, seorang anak yang pemalu dapat dengan mudah berkenalan melalui chating atau e-mail. Dalam game online, mereka dapat membuat karakter mereka menjadi karakter yang cantik, kaya, atau hal lain yang mungkin berbeda dengan kehidupan nyata mereka.

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Snow Leopard transformation pack untuk Windows 7

Mungkin bagi anda yang sudah pernah Download tema Windows7 rasa Snow Leopard akan kesulitan menginstall tema tersebut bahkan jika gagal windows 7 anda akan mengalami black scree, nah berikut ini sudah ada yang lebih simple cara mengganti Windows 7 anda seperti tampilan mac OS Snow Leopard dengan Snow Leopard transformation pack untuk Windows 7.
Bahkan tools ini bisa digunakan untuk anda yang menggunakan Windows vista jadi jangan khawatir, transformation pack ini merupakan freeware yang secara otomatis menggantikan file sistem di Windows dan menginstal ikon, wallpaper, screensaver, suara dan layar login, kotak dialog shutdown, dan banyak lainnya UI komponen yang sangat mirip dengan Mac OSX dan membuat Windows 7 tampak seperti Mac.
Berikut ulasanya yang sudah saya coba Snow Leopard transformation pack untuk Windows 7 beserta screenshotnya.
Untuk menginstal ekstrak file download tersebut dan klik icon Snow tranformation pack, tapi terlebih dahulu anda harus menonaktifkan UAC pada Windows.

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Driver checker v.2.7.4 with keygen

Aplikasi ini berfungsi untuk mendeteksi driver yang sudah outofdate dan mendeteksi aplikasi driver yang sudah rusak, Cocok untuk mengupdate aplikasi driver PC atau laptop anda. mungkin jika anda membutuhkan.
software ini sangat membantu .

ZIP Password Recovery Magic 6.1.1

ZIP Password Recovery Magic adalah program yang mudah digunakan yang dapat membantu Anda untuk memulihkan password hilang untuk arsip zip. ZIP Password Recovery Magic menyediakan brute-force dan metode pemulihan kamus, Anda dapat menghentikan sebentar dan melanjutkan pekerjaan pemulihan dengan mudah. ZIP Password Recovery Magic memiliki antarmuka yang mudah digunakan. Yang Anda butuhkan untuk memulihkan password Anda hanya untuk menambahkan file Anda ke jendela operasi.

Fitur Utama
-Recover password untuk arsip ZIP dan ? self extracting ZIP archives.
 -Mendukung brute force dan metode pemulihan kamus.
-Anda dapat memilih karakter dari berbagai pilihan karakter termasuk: Sastra, Bilangan, simbol ...
-Jeda dan melanjutkan pekerjaan pemulihan dengan mudah.
-Kerja di latar belakang.
-Fitur interface yang user-friendly.


Link download ( hotfile )


Rar password recovery magic 6.1.1

Rar Password Recovery Magic adalah alat yang dirancang untuk memulihkan password yang hilang atau lupa untuk rar / WinRAR archives.


Fitur Utama
Recover password untuk rar / WinRAR archives.
Didukung kustom karakter untuk serangan brute force
Anda dapat memilih karakter dari berbagai karakter pilihan termasuk: Surat, Bilangan, lambang ...
Wordlist kamus besar.
Bekerja di latar belakang.
Fitur-fitur yang user-friendly interface.

LINK download ( hotfile )


PS2 emu PCSX 0.9.7 the latest version

Bagi Anda penggemar game Ps2 ini ada info bagus. kalian bisa main Ps2 di Komputer/PC
Syarat anda bisa main Game Ps2 di PC/komputer anda Harus mempunyai spesifikasi komputer ynang tinggi minimal seperti ini lah.: 1.Processor Intel P4 Core2Duo E7400 2.8 Ghz, mendukung SSE4.1 & di overclock menjadi 3 Ghz (stable)
2.Ram DDR2-800 Corsair XMS 2 GB Dual Channel
3.Mainboard MSI P31
4.Vga Card ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT Gpu Clock 840Mhz,Ram Clock 1100Mhz (Gddr4)
5.Harddrive Sata-2 500 GB 7200Rpm Western Digital
6.PSu+CAsing Simbedul 400Watt, Monitor CRT 15 inch(seken pula)
7.Joystick dual merek cina 50 rb-an sepasang

kalo mungkin ada keluhan silahkan berkomentar
Source :


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