Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Adobe CS5 Design Premium Package

Adobe CS5 Design Premium Package By m0nkrus Full iSO | 4.18 GB
As part of Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium 5 includes all the key design tools.
They help to implement the boldest ideas, work with any mediaistochnikami and creating expressive designs for print, interactive applications and mobile devices. With this package you can create spectacular images and graphics design professional page layouts, design web sites based on standards, to produce unique, interactive content without writing code, and even convert the layout pages for viewing on the devices for reading electronic books.
The contents of the package:
InDesign CS5
Photoshop CS5 Extended
Illustrator CS5
Flash CS5 Professional
Flash CS5 Catalyst
Dreamweaver CS5
Fireworks CS5
Adobe Bridge CS5
Adobe Device Central CS5
New spaces of creativity
Get the perfect multi-functional content and achieve results that previously seemed impossible. Embody ideas with new tools to work with animation, video and three-dimensional objects in universal integrated design environment.
Take advantage of simplified workflows
Effectively distribute their creative ideas in draft form for different audiences. New simplified workflows enable you to perform more work in less time. Open up new opportunities for creativity, using existing skills. Create high-quality projects across media.
Joint work anywhere in the world
Work with clients and colleagues online, share your screen and organize online meetings wherever you are. Take an online community of experts using Adobe, getting access to technical support directly from the interface of the software.
Function Design Premium:
Visual control video files. With Adobe Bridge you can easily find your files, browsing thumbnails, thumbnails. A panel of Mini Bridge in Photoshop CS5 Extended and InDesign CS5 to paste files directly into open documents.
Streamlined review process. Simplify the review process with Adobe CS Review, one of the online services CS Live, and release more time for productive work. Organize a joint review sessions directly in the Photoshop CS5 Extended, Illustrator CS5 or InDesign CS5. Your colleagues and clients will be available with convenient tools for commenting, and you can view the comments left by them in the context of their work.
High performance in the latest operating systems. Now you will have access to all the power and performance of the latest operating systems, Apple and Microsoft. With support for 64-bit architectures in Photoshop CS5 Extended image processing on both platforms will be easier.
The most advanced tools for image processing. Annex Adobe Photoshop ? CS5 Extended - an industry standard for editing, processing and optimization of high-quality images for any print project.
Create professional page layouts. Development of models, preflight checks and production of printed pages - all these tasks you can perform in Adobe InDesign ? CS5, a design environment with an intuitive interface that includes tools for precise control over typography and the development of creative effects.
Integration with online services CS Live. Integration with online services Adobe CS Live help accelerate the implementation of such important tasks as review of design, testing web pages, and collaborate on materials. For a limited period of time CS Live services are provided free of charge.
Creative 3D-functions. Quickly add depth to the image and create unusual effects with 3D-functions of Photoshop CS5 Extended. Create professional 3D-graphics and logos on the basis of the text and figures, edit and transform 3D-model, and draw directly on them.
Creating dynamic documents PDF. With Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro, you can combine PDF documents and merge template files, drawings, photographs, animations, films, sound recordings and other resources into a single portfolio PDF.
Preflight and correction of documents PDF. Appendix Adobe Acrobat ? 9 Pro helps you to reduce the number of errors in the printing of documents. It provides funds for in-depth preflight checks files and correct any deficiencies - change the wrong thin lines, process transparency, transformation, black, spot color conversion, etc.
Adobe Community Help. Find answers to the most complex issues, including detailed online help from Adobe, and additional material from outside experts - all information is available directly from the window of your design application.
A single interface application Adobe. All the components of CS5 Design Premium have the same intuitive interface - enabling you to work even faster. The development application will require less time, and you can pay more attention to the design process.
Universal Graphics, which does not depend on the resolution. In Adobe Illustrator ? CS5, you can create graphics, and then convert it to any scale - from business cards to billboards.
Creating dynamic documents PDF. In Adobe Acrobat ? 9 Pro, you can create documents PDF, and save in this format, ready web pages, including interactive elements. PDF-versions of Web pages are easy to print, archive and make overlays, as well as ease of sharing.
A clear timetable for web sites. In Adobe Illustrator ? CS5, you can create vector graphics that are not dependent on the resolution and will have a clear outline of the processing in Adobe Fireworks ?, Dreamweaver ? and Flash ? Professional - as well as virtually any screen.
The most advanced tools for image processing. You can edit, manipulate and optimize images for Web sites using Adobe Photoshop ? CS5 Extended - the industry standard for graphic designers.
Web sites and applications based on industry standards. Design, development and maintenance of web sites and applications based on industry standards in Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Cara membuat Laptop Anda Menjadi Hotspot !

Software Pembuat Laptop Anda Menjadi Wireless Router / Hotspot | 2.12 Mb
Hotspot area kini telah menjamur dan menjadi populer di kalangan netter – netter Indonesia, karena sangat fleksibel, Bagi anda pemilik laptop pasti sudah pernah mencoba berinternet dengan menggunakan hotspot di berbagai hotspot area. Menggunakan hotspot memang relatif mudah dan murah..bahkan tidak jarang kini banyak area hotspot yang bisa kita nikmati secara gratis.

Namun sayangnya, pada kondisi – kondisi tertentu, kita tidak bisa menikmati suasana hotspot tersebut. Misalkan saja saat berada di rumah teman yang menggunakan koneksi ADSL / kabel, di hotel yang menggunakan ethernet connection dsb. Namun jangan khawatir, bagi anda yang memiliki laptop dengan sistem operasi windows 7, anda bisa membangun jaringan hotspot hanya bermodalkan koneksi internet dan laptop anda.

Dengan begitu, cukup laptop anda saja yang terkoneksi dengan internet (ethernet connection / kabel internet) dan teman – teman anda yang lainnya bisa ikut menikmati akses internet tersebut melalui jaringan hotspot yang anda buat. Intinya..anda akan menyulap laptop anda menjadi wireless access point supaya laptop teman- teman anda yang lain bisa berinternet jika bergabung dengan network anda :)
tertarik ???
Requirements :
- System atau OS anda Harus WINDOWS 7, selain Windows 7 semuanya tidak bisa
- Laptop yang dilengkapi dengan Wifi / Wireless.

Berikut ini saya berikan langkah – langkahnya :
1. Download Dan Install Connectify

2.Buka connectify dari icon yang ada di taskbar / yang ada dekat tanggal dan waktu.

3. Isikan nama WiFi network, password access, kemudian tentukan jenis koneksi yang ingin anda gunakan untuk berbagi (support LAN, VirtualBox Host Only, Wireless Network, serta tanpa internet sharing). Setelah itu klik start hotspot.

Contoh :
Wifi Name : [ Nama Hotspot yang ingin kita mau ] misalna Hotspot99
Password : [ Ini Diisi Minimal 8 huruf/ angka, misalnya hotspot9999 ]
Internet : [ Koneksi Internet Apa yang ingin anda share ] misalnya saya pakai speedy unlimited, maka otomatis saya akan tujukan ke Local Area Connection ] Disitu ada pilihannya....

4. Setelah itu program tersebut akan bekerja dan silahkan mengkoneksikan komputer / laptop lainnya ke laptop anda.

5. perlu dicatat bahwa connectify hanya bisa diinstall dan bekerja di laptop dengan sistem operasi windows 7, namun komputer dengan sistem operasi apapun bisa terhubung dengan jaringan tersebut tetap bisa connect walaupun windows xp ataupun vista [ tidak pengaruh ]. Sebagai contoh, kita menghubungkan laptop bersistem operasi windows XP ke jaringan hotspot yang dibuat dengan connectify di laptop bersistem windows 7 :

1. Buka wireless network
2. Pilih network yang sudah dibuat tadi
3. Masukkan password dan klik connect
4. Laptop yang bersistem operasi windows XP sudah terkoneksi ke jaringan hotspot yang dibuat oleh laptop windows 7 dengan connectify.
5. Sekarang semua laptop teman – teman anda bisa terkoneksi dan anda bisa mulai berinternet bersama teman – teman hanya dari 1 koneksi internet kabel saja , mudah sekali bukan?? :)

* Perlu diketahui Setelah di Test Untuk Pemakai Modem GSM itu tidak bisa dishare, yang bisa di share hanya LAN / ADSL
Tapi anda juga boleh mencoba mana tau bisa yah....

Download Here :

Sumber : http://andystonecold2009.blogspot.com/2011/01/software-pembuat-laptop-anda-menjadi.html

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

Ashampoo Burning Studio 10.0.4

Ashampoo Burning Studio 10 saat ini adalah yang tercepat, termudah dan paling intuitif, Blu-ray desain dan paket yang tersedia DVD dan membakar. Ashampoo CD / DVD / Blu-ray aplikasi terbakar membuatnya sangat mudah untuk menciptakan & copy data Anda sendiri, video, audio dan CD multisession, DVD dan disc Blu-ray
Dengan Ashampoo Burning Studio 10 Agan agan dapat menyimpan file musik dan data ke CD, DVD dan disc Blu-ray hanya dengan beberapa klik mouse! Ashampoo Burning Studio 9 mendukung semua DVD saat ini dan penulis CD. Program ini mendukung berikut jenis disk: CD-R, RD-RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD R / RW, DVD-RAM, DVD R Double Layer dan Blu-ray.

nih dia fitur nya sob..

New Features in Ashampoo Burning Studio 10:
- A single integrated editor for DVD and Blu-ray editing
- Build and burn Blu-ray HD and Full HD video discs (16:9, PAL and NTSC)
- Completely new and improved Add Movies dialog
- Preview your movies directly in the editor
- New and improved DVD and Blu-ray menu themes with new preview functions
- Generate all your menus automatically or design them yourself
- New mirror function for items in the menu editor, free placement for all objects on your menu pages
- Menu Preview Player - test your video disc menus directly in the editor, everything is fully functional (buttons, multiple pages, play movies, skip, stop etc.)
- Use a wide variety of attractive 3D buttons and geometric shapes
- Use different themes for each menu page
- Use different background music for each menu page
- Replace automatically-generated menu pages with your own designs
- New menu background options: use movies, Ashampoo Burning Studio 10 slideshows, edited movies and themes as your menu backgrounds
- Improved video encoding, encoded video is always stored automatically and only needs to be re-encoded if you make changes
- Output directly to disc or to a folder
- Compress big movies to fit on a single DVD
- Create disc images for DVDs with different formats - compression is optimized for the selected format
- Burn Blu-ray videos directly from a folder of files prepared by Ashampoo Burning Studio or another authoring program
- Rip tracks from multiple CDs one after another
- Automatically copy ripped tracks to correct folders for the artist or title
- Automatically create artist, album and track folders when ripping audio CDs
- Now also supports 24-bit and 32-bit audio tracks for music CDs (up to 44.1kHz)
- 3D buttons with tooltips, icons, ready-to-use button layouts
- Single or multiple pages of menus saved on the disc
- Stand-alone menus or open in web browser

kompatible dengan :  XP / Vista / Win7 (32/64-bit)
Multilingual: English, Spanish, German, Portugu?s, French, Chinese, Japanese, (24 languages)



Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

Counter Strike Extreme 2010 v5

maaf ya sob lama ga post gara gara sbuk sekolah..kali ini saya akan membuat post tentang  Counter Strike Extrame 2010 yang hadir dalam v5 yang pasti memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan berikut saya sudah jabarkan kelebihan dan kekurangan dari CS ini :

  • Overall,lumayan bagus, pastinya lebih baik dari CS Extrame v4
  • Ditambahkan 8 Crossfire karakter
  • Update Launcher CS Extrame v5 Versi Alisoftware, yang lebih mudah dan userfriendly
  • Adanya Map-Map baru seperti Egypt, Monaco,Prison
  • Ditambahkan "New Human Scenario"
  • Menggubak "Kill Streak" ke "CF"
  • Interface baru dari GUI Background
  • Zombie udah dikurangin ke IMBA-annya
  • Bot kepintarannya naik, tembakannya lebih akurat
  • Senjata Baru Matana & M1887
  • Mode Baru:Human Scenario
  • Map lebih banyak & Map yang lama diperbaharui
  • Karakter-Karakter CF diconvert ke CS Extreme, jadi semakin mirip dengan cross fire
  • (Menurut Saya) Game lag-nya agak berkurang dan lebih lancar dari versi sebelumnya
  • Bisa maen semua map tanpa ditemukan nya hang

  • Senjata hanya diupdate sedikit (ya cuman Katana & M1887)
  • Masalahnya masih sama seperti CS Extrame v4 yakni Error yang masih sering terjadi dibeberapa OS Windows 7 dan Netbook. :( tapi masalah itu setidaknya bisa di atasi dengan mengikuti cara yang pernah saya postingkan sebelumnya

Spesifikasi Komputer

  • CPU - Intel Pentium 4, 2.4GHZ and above
  • RAM - 512mb
  • Graphics Card - Nvidia GeForce 5 Series 128MB and above
  • Operating System - Windows 2000/XP/Windows 7
  • Hard Disk Drive - 2GB
  • DirectX - 9.0c

  • CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo and above
  • RAM - 1GB
  • Graphics Card - Nvidia GeForce 7600 256MB and above
  • Operating System - Windows 2000/XP/Windows 7
  • Hard Disk Drive - 2GB


via maknyos
- Join dengan hjsplit
- Setelah di join jadi file rar
- Extract dengan winrar
credit to uploader 

download via mediaapi
Password : mimasuya@kaskus
note : rename file ny jadi cs extreme v5 part1.rar - cs extreme v5 part9.rar
mini patch
note : rename jadi .exe  
sumber link ( http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?p=334124240 )  

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